More women representatives into Hungarian Parliament!

Declaration of the Women’s Roundtable of Veszprem

One of the reasons for the lack of democracy in Hungary is the fact that there are very few women representatives in elected bodies, among decision-makers especially in the Assembly of the Hungarian Parliament. It is an essential interest of Hungarian sociaty, that the rate of women representatives should reach a minimum value, neccessary to make critical change in political life.

On behalf of the joining non-governmental organisations we declare our request for full political representation of women with gender equality in political decision-making. We request the Hungarian Parliament to draft and adopt a law in institutional and electoral rules to promote equality of women and men.

Our reasons are the following:

1. In Hungary more than half of the highly educated population more are women and yet in the House of Commons the number of women MP-s is only 10.6 %. In the EU our place is 26. In this respect only Malta is behind us.

2. In a modern society women’s values are in the foreground and their views are playing a decisive role in decision-making. In most EU countries the right of women to participate in decision-making is stipulated by law.

3. We cannot consider a representative system democratic, where half of the well-educated population - which in many respects have different interest and mentality yet carry the heaviest burden of society is not actually represented by representatives of their own group.

4 Many of women’s responsibilities are more difficult and different from those of men. Therefore they must receive more help to be able to participate in public life. Hungarian women are just as good as their Finnish, French or any others counterparts, however at present they cannot even gather an acceptable number to the starting line.

5. Experience shows that the Hungarian system automatically hinders a number of women getting into representative position. The breakthrough can only come when positive measures are taken to help women to take up more political positions. Therefore we are asking all political parties during the selections procedure for representatives to make sure the procedure is free from discrimination and should give women a fifty-fifty chance. That is why we want an electoral list where female and male candidates follow each other in turns.

6. The population in Hungary appreciates women’s achivements. It is shown by the fact that every public opinion poll is led by women. However political parties select women mainly for the sake of party representation not for achievement, and regard the women on the list as a collector of votes, not a real MP, which is an outdated approach..

7. It is our male dominated parliament’s duty and interest to set up such a system where women can enter and occupy their appropriate place in public life and decision-making. We are asking for positive measures to be taken to bring in a new electoral law for a more fair social order in Hungary.

We expect and hope that our sensible proposal aim will be adopted by our menfolk!

Veszprém, 07.06.2007                                                                                       Júlia Huszár
                                                                                                Chairperson of Women’s Roundtable of Veszprém



In the name of the following NGO-s :

1. Magyar Női Érdekérvényesítő Szövetség ( Női Érdek)

2. Magyarországi Női Alapítvány (MONA)

3. Magyar Internetező Nők Egyesülete (MINŐK)

4. Nőtárs Alapítvány

5. Független Győri Nők Egyesülete,

6. Várpalotai „Írisz” Nőegyesület.

7. Nők a XVIII Kerületért Alapítvány

8. Nők a Holnapért Alapítvány

9. Nők a Munka Világában Egyesület

10. Magyar Szociális Fórum Nőtagozata

11. Hallássérültek Rehabilitációjáért Küzdők Egyesülete

12. Hosszútávú Egészségvédő Program Egyesület

13. KINCS Közhasznú alapítvány Veresegyház

14. Ritmus Művészeti Egyesület

15. Uniós Tanoda Alapítvány

16. Soroptimist Pécs

17. Roma Nővédelmi Közhasznú Szervezet

18. REGINA Alapítvány

19 . Szövetség Veszprémért

20. Veszprémi Ifjusági és Diákközéleti Szövetség

21. SEED Kisvállalkozás-fejlesztési Alapítvány

22. Szociális Innovációs Alapítvány

23. JÓL-LÉT Közhasznú Alapítvány

24. Veszprémi Nők Kerekasztala Egyesület

25. Bedekovich Lőrinc Népfőiskolai Társaság Jászfényszaru

26. Interkulturális és Irodalmi Centrifuga Alapítvány (ICA)

27. KINCS Közhasznú Alapítvány Veresegyház

28. Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség

29. Patriarchátust Ellenzők Társasága (PATENT)

30. NANE (Nők a Nőkért az Erőszak Ellen) Egyesület

31. Veszprémi Polgári Társaskör

32. Zalai Nők Egyesülete